Huge gratitude to everyone who supported Lynn Irving, Rachel Elnaugh-Love and Roger James in their 2024 General Election Campaigns.

On Thursday 18 July 2024 we had a discussion regarding the future of the LOVE Movement and here is the recording:

We were agreed that individually and collectively the mission must now be to Vision and Co-Create an Alternative Future Reality to the Digital Totalitarian nightmare that WEFminster has planned for us.

It was unanimously decided by those present that the Zoom meetings should continue once a month on the third Thursday at 12noon for everyone who wishes to come on and share their progress to give others ideas and inspiration.

It was accepted that there is now a whole wave of such initiatives already underway ~ and whilst it would be wonderful for these to be detailed in one place, this is not necessary for the effectiveness of the Freedom Movement as a whole.  Indeed, the fragmentation across so many small groups UK and worldwide standing in their Soveriegn Rights and committed to peaceful resistance means that the Movement is unstoppable.

To become part of the LOVE Movement and to join the monthly meetings please sign up using the form below:

Although LOVE (Liberation Opportunity Vitality Empowerment) started out with the intention of becoming a registered Political Party, we quickly realised that the Electoral Commission is no longer fit for purpose and that we would be far more powerful operating as a wave of Independent candidates rather than as a Political Party.

Here’s the result of the Members’ Poll on the matter:

That’s why we have now evolved into a movement, encouraging everyone who stands for the LOVE values to gather their local community groups and co-create the future reality we DO want.

It’s time to stand for LOVE (Liberation, Opportunity, Vitality, Empowerment)

LOVE is not marshmallow soft and ‘fluffy’.

LOVE is the lioness fiercely defending her cubs.

LOVE is the evolved masculine ~ teaching his children to stand strong in the face of intimidation and bullying.



… from the False Matrix which is fabricated from FEAR. Extricating ourselves from the influence of unelected worldwide non-Governmental organisations (WEF, WHO etc.) which are funded by big corporate interests. 


The realisation that, with sufficient clarity and sustained focus of intention, everything is possible. Abundance is the natural order of life.   Creating a society where every person is encouraged and has the right to thrive.


Re-imagining society with the aim of healing at every level.  When we restore our connection to Nature and bring our bodies back into harmonic resonance, the result is radiant health. A new ‘Natural Healing Service’ based NHS.


A Party created by the People for the People looking after the interests of the People.  Awareness of our Common Law Rights and the commitment to cause no harm, injury or loss to our fellow man or woman.

At the heart of the LOVE (Liberation Opportunity Vitality Empowerment) movement are the co-creators Dr Lynn Irving, Julie Tasker and Rachel Elnaugh-Love who originally agreed to hold the ‘official positions’ of Leader and Treasurer, Nominating Officer and Campaigns Officer respectively ~ as required by the Electoral Commission.

However, now that we have ditched the Electoral Commission we will operate under a completely flat structure.  You can read our original ‘ManifestO’ (written by Dr Lynn Irving PhD as the starting point for discussion by candidates) here